Basham’s Party Pink Crape Myrtle

Texas Superstar Plant

Basham’s Party Pink Crape myrtle

Lagerstroemia indica × Lagerstroemia fauriei ‘Basham’s Party Pink’

Basham’s Party Pink crape myrtle is one of the best large crape myrtles for USDA zone 8 and warmer locations in Texas. This beautiful tree–form crape myrtle can be grown as a single or multiple-trunk specimen maturing with beautiful fluted smooth bark which exfoliates in shallow plates to expose predominantly light tans, gray and silver–gray bark highlighted with some reddish brown undertones. The graceful canopy is covered in spring to early summer with one or more flushes of large soft lavender–pink terminal flower clusters. The handsome dark green foliage appears to have inherited some resistance to pests and diseases from its L. fauriei heritage and a lesser propensity for seed pods than some of the other hybrids from its L. indica parentage. It was introduced to the nursery trade by the legendary Texas plantsman and nursery professional Mr. Lynn Lowrey in 1965, making ‘Basham’s Party Pink’ the granddaddy of Texas hybrid crape myrtles and a time-tested Texas Superstar®.

Exposure: Full sun for optimum flowering

Size: Height — 20 to 30 feet tall with two–thirds to similar spread

Plant type: Small to medium single or multiple-stem deciduous tree

Planting time: Fall or early spring planting is best, but plants can be readily established from containers or balled–and–burlap at any time of year with appropriate irrigation

Soil type: Tolerant of all but very alkaline soils as long as the soil is well drained

Suggested uses: Specimen flowering tree, small shade tree, near patios and outdoor entertainment areas, street trees with training, in cut flower arrangements, or in very large landscape containers; bark, trunk and branch architecture can be nicely highlighted with night lighting

Special notes: Water during establishment and in severe drought; to reduce foliar disease problems plant where it is mostly sunny and there is good air movement; avoiding direct irrigation spray on the foliage will also reduce disease incidence and lessen the potential for foliar damage where salty irrigation water is a problem; plants are cold tolerant in USDA plant hardiness zone 8 and warmer, but should be used only in protected locations in colder climates; if frozen to the ground in a severe winter, established plants will usually regrow several feet in a single growing season

For further information: New Texas Superstar introduced: Basham’s Party Pink crape myrtle

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