When you hear about the coneflower, it’s always with the word ‘purple’ attached to it: Purple Coneflower. It is a true beauty but surprise!!! It comes in so many other colors. There are between 60 and 100 hybrids and cultivated varieties of coneflower on the market. Colors range from greenish white, through yellows, oranges, orange-red, pink and bi-colored (green and pink).
This is a tough-as-nails flower that absolutely loves the heat. Your Sugar Land gardens will look gorgeous with this choice. Our local garden centers and bog box stores usually carry the purple variety everyday.
The prickly-headed coneflowers belong to the genus Echinacea, in the same family as black-eyed Susans (Rudbeckia). They are tough plants with coarse foliage. Sugar Land landscaper, Garden Guy, L-O-V-E-S this flower because you just can’t kill it and it blooms and blooms and blooms.
How long do Echinaceas bloom?
Coneflowers bloom for several months in Sugar Land, attracting birds and butterflies to your Sugar Land landscape and Houston garden. After the flowers fade, the domed seedheads stand tall through the winter. Chickadees and goldfinches perch lightly on top to eat the seeds, and snow pulls a warm little cap on each seadhead. In early spring, cut the old flowerstalks back, and get ready for a fresh season of colorful, long-lasting, perennial blooms.
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