Seven easy steps for your home landscaping

By Todd Farber, Aggie Horticulturist + Expert Landscaper

Garden Guy Houston Landscaper

1. Assess Damage- Check for any visible damage to plants.

2. Prune- Prune away dead or damaged branches, but avoid heavy pruning until you see signs of new growth in the spring.

3. Water- Water the landscape if the soil is dry. Hydrated plants are better equipped to recover from freeze damage.

4.  Mulch- Apply a layer of mulch around the base of plants to insulate the soil and retain moisture.

5.  Patience- Be patient and give plants time to recover. Some may bounce back with new growth once warmer weather arrives.

6. Monitor the landscape- Watch for signs of recovery. If a plant doesn’t show signs of life by March 15 or so, it may need replacing. Remember that the extent of damage can vary, and some plants may surprise you with their ability to recover.

7. Fertilization- Wait until March 1st to fertilize


Garden Guy’s guide for home        landscaping


When pruning after a freeze, follow these guidelines:

1. Wait for Thaw- Avoid pruning immediately after a freeze. Wait until the weather has warmed up and any frozen plant tissues have thawed.

2. Assess Damage- Identify the extent of freeze damage by examining the plant. Look for dead or damaged branches, leaves, and buds.

3. Prune Dead Material- Trim away dead or damaged branches, leaves, and buds using sharp, clean pruning shears. Cut back to healthy tissue, making clean cuts at a 45-degree angle. Clean pruners with rubbing alcohol.

4. Patience with Evergreens & Tropicals- If you have evergreen plants or tropicals, wait until March 10th or so before pruning. This allows time for any hidden damage to become apparent.

5. Shape Carefully- Focus on shaping the plant rather than heavy pruning. Avoid excessive removal of live wood, as the plant needs its foliage for recovery.

6. Mulching- Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plant to help insulate the soil and protect the roots.

7. Monitor Growth- Keep an eye on the plant for signs of new growth. Once new growth emerges, you can assess further pruning needs.

8. Consider Professional Help- For extensive damage or if you’re unsure about the best approach, consider consulting with Garden Guy. Email us:

Remember, pruning helps the plant redirect energy to healthy growth. However, it’s crucial to be mindful of the specific needs of each type of plant and to avoid over-pruning, especially in the immediate aftermath of a freeze.



Begin watering your plants and landscaping as you did prior to the freeze.



Apply a layer of natural shredded hardwood mulch around roses, trees and in your landscaping beds.

  • Mulching landscaping helps protect the soil and plants
  • Mulch is an excellent way to provide a layer of protection to the base of plants and trees
  • Mulch slows down water evaporation from the soil
  • Mulch looks pretty 🙂
  • Dyed Mulches don’t break down easily or naturally
  • Poor wood product from dyed mulches robs nitrogen from soils and plants
  • Plants struggle for nitrogen in a dyed-mulch environment
  • Choose a natural mulch with no dyes period
  • We like Texas Native® Hardwood Mulch for a big box store choice


Be patient with your landscaping and plants, waiting for warmer temperatures to see what is going to come back.

If we get an early warm-up it could be near Valentine’s Day!


Watch for signs of growth!



Fertilize your landscaping around March 15!  This is when the landscaping and plants are taking up nutrients again.

Consider Professional Help- For extensive damage or if you’re unsure about the best approach, consider consulting with Garden Guy. Email us:

Garden Guy, Inc – Todd Farber, Aggie Horticulturist  Come see us at !

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